Wool Sales in Goulburn in 1845 18
December 1935 Goulburn Evening Penny Post |
"Native” writes -The wool industry
at Goulburn goes back to the foundation of the settlement itself. Shortly after the Goulburn Plains were
discovered in April, 1818, Governor Macquarie promised W.W. Broughton in the
September of the same year, 1818, 600 acres on Goulburn Plains, quit
rent. He started in 1827. This may be regarded as the start
of the wool industry in the Goulburn district. From statements in 1848, when the late
Mr. Moore, of Pomeroy, made a private survey of the then proposed
railway, to Goulburn we, gather that from Athurs-leigh
in support of a railway, that the wool, the staple industry, had been
carried to Sydney for nearly 30 years by the road. Further back, in 1838, a traveller
who visited Argyle in February of that year, stated he met with 78 dray laden with wool between Cowpastures Bridge and Bungonia
in two days which made what was regarded in those days an enormous
quantity of 936 bales, an average of 12 bales on each dray. The great south road was in a terrible
bad state between Sutton Forest, Paddy's River, Bungonia and Marulan. There were eleven wooden bridges in
impassable state. One of the earliest sheep sales at Goulburn
was in the year 1846, when the late Mr. Dignam
sold 626 from two to three-year-olds at 6/- a head. He also sold 1182 head at 5/- a head. The wool was sold at Goulburn from one
lot of these sheep at 1/5½ a lb. in 1845. The old Australian Stores in
Goulburn were buying wool. From Mummell,
in 1836, one settler had 1600 lb of wool, for which he expected to get
1/2 per lb. Sir Richard Bourke, in reply to the address
presented to him at Goulburn Plains in June, 1832, stated, "I have been
grateful beyond my expectations in beholding the beauty and fertility of
the district, in witnessing the exertions which the inhabitants are making
for the extension of cultivation and the improvement and increase of those
valuable flocks upon which so much of the prosperity of this colony
depends. The preservation of that race in its
greatest purity, so as to ensure a never failing supply of fine wool for
the English market is an object which the colonists should never lose
sight of." In the Xmas seasons of'1845, the high
price of wool put heart into the people of old Goulburn and in, that year,
I think, there were a number of bales' of wool sold at one of the stores.
That was the year when the old
town was visited by one of the greatest storms ever known since “white"
men first settled here and nearly wrecked the township. The shop fronts had shortly
before been remodelled and introduced in that year also. The first wool clip of the season passed
through from Lithgows', and the Nicholson
stations, Lake George, two dray loads. The hail that fell in the storm at
Goulburn in 1845 was 7½ in. to 9 in. in circumference and two inches and
more in diameter. It was in the Xmas of 1844, shortly
before this storm occurred at old Goulburn that a most remarkable fiery
meteor appeared and shot over the township of Old Goulburn. It was somewhat larger than an
orange. Its extraordinary appearance and dazzling brightness made some of the early
settlers of the town think it was a precursor of no good. |