and Adelong in 1867 3
October 1933 The Tumut and Adelong Times |
Excerpts from tho file of Local Paper. Amongst tho file of antique papers and
documents prized by tho late William Bridle, of 'Rose Vale,' Tumut, is a copy
of the "Tumut and Adelong Times," of October 23, 1867 -fifty-five
years ago - which has been handed to us by his son, Mr. Edwin G. Bridle. From
it we cull the following excerpts of news of particular interest : - The ceremony of opening the 'Alfred'
Bridge over the Murrumbidgee River at South Gundagai was performed by Mrs. E,
G. Brown, wife of the Parliamentary member for the district, who on that
memorable occasion delivered the following speech: - Ladies and Gentlemen. - You are now
aware that the Government has done me the high honor
of appointing me to name the splendid bridge upon which we stand by the title
of Alfred. In the fitness and propriety of that
name I am sure you will all agree, apart from the fact that it is borne by
the young sailor Prince, the first illustrious scion of the Royal House of
England that has visited the soil of Australia. The name of Alfred is, in itself, a
royal one, incorporated with the history of our race, and venerated upon
every land where they have found a home. Ten centuries ago, and our people
struggling in barbarism yet yearning for the light of knowledge, found in
that name a rallying point and guiding star. Urged by his counsels, in cited by his
examples, the spirit in-fused by Alfred the Great has never been
extinguished, but each succeeding generation has seen it grow stronger and
brighter till it has culminated in the glorious civilisation we now enjoy in
the huge world of wonders we can exhibit, not the least of which will be
hereafter remembered as the Alfred Bridge at South Gundagai. For the rest I can only express the
earnest hope that this bridge will become all that the Government desires, and that you anticipate. That it will not stand alone as a
monument of human ingenuity, but become a constantly increasing public
blessing; that it will bind not only the soil but the people, and as it
offers us a safe passage over the physical dangers of the Murrumbidgee, so
may it equally bear us above all narrow feelings of to-day, and build us up
into an united and prosperous community. *** On Friday last we witnessed the
driving of the first pile by steam of the permanent approach to the Gundagai
Bridge. As a number of the piles are already driven, we have no fear that
under the personal superintendence of Mr. Bailie, the contractor, they will
now be rapidly put in their places. **** Gundagai Bridge Tolls. — Mr. T.
Henderson, of South Gundagai, has been appointed by Government to the
temporary office of toll-taker, until such time as the tolls are sold or
leased. *** Literary Society. — The members of
this society held their usual weekly meeting on Monday evening last. Mr.
Vernon was elected to the chair. The minutes of the last meeting having been
read and confirmed, Mr. Weeden gave a reading
called 'A Tale of Terror,' which was favourably received; Master Wiley
followed with 'The Battle of Waterloo.' Mr. Mc-Kenzie then
recited 'William Tell's Address to His Native
Hills.' This concluded the business of the evening, and the Chairman having
announced a lecture by Mr. G. Bridle for next meeting night, the meeting adjourned. *** Snipe. — On Monday last we were
presented with a very fine snipe, shot by Mr. Isaac Davis at Gocup. These birds are very scarce hereabout this year;
in fact this is the first instance that we have had brought under our notice
of the slaughter of them in our neighborhood. *** Snake Story. - During the afternoon of
Monday last Miss Emma Bridle entered her bedroom and was alarmed at seeing a
snake there. The reptile was lying at full length along a trunk with its head
raised looking over the back of a chair. She called for her brother George,
who with a stout stick soon despatched his snakeship.
It was one of the species known here
as the Zebra, and measured about four feet in length. The late floods have doubtless driven
these reptiles on higher ground, hence their early appearance in our gardens.
We should advise persons who have gardens or paddocks to be cautious as they
walk through them. *** The Escort left Tumut as usual on
Saturday last, conveying the following parcels of gold:- From Tumbarumba,
139oz 3dwt; Bank of New South Wales, Adelong, 527oz 17dwt 8grs; L. Mandelson, Tumut, 21oz 16 dwt 8grs. *** Public School Board at Adelong. — In
accordance with the 22nd section of the Public Schools Act of 1866, the
undermentioned gentlemen have been appointed additional members of the Public
School Board in connection with the Public School established at Adelong, viz : — Mr Seymour C. Steuart
and Mr. David Wilson. *** An Iron Bridge at Yass. - Iron bridges
across such wide streams as the Murrumbidgee at Gundagai, might be the
cheapest and safest structures; but we cannot see the necessity for an iron
bridge at Yass. Our locality abounds in plenty of
stone, admirably adapted for the construction of a bridge across our narrow
stream, and the work would not cost half so much as an iron one, while it
would give much more employment to skilled laborers
who are now eating the bread of idleness. It is one thing to get a grant of
money; it is another thing to spend it judiciously - Yass Courier. * * * Kiandra.— On Thursday last another accident
happened, by the bank giving way, in the Homeward Bound Claim, New Chum Hill,
whereby two men named McPherson were injured, one having his collarbone
broken, the other receiving severe contusions on the back. Dr. Schaofer being sent for from Seymour went up and did what
was necessary, and the men are now progressing favorably.
– Owing to the unfortunate state of the
weather no work has been done at the reef, therefore there is nothing now to
report. If the bad weather lasts the residents are
likely to be short of provisions; the butcher re-ports scarcity of cattle,
the large stock of flour brought up last fall is expended, and a supply from
Adelong or elsewhere is anxiously looked for. - Monaro Mercury. |