- Mr. William G. Purcell 21
December 1948 The Tumut and Adelong Times |
The passing on Wednesday morning,
December 15, briefly referred to in our last issue, of Mr. William George
Purcell, of Wondalga, removed from our midst a member of one of the
oldest families in the Adelong district. To many the name of
Purcell immediately suggests Adelong, and William George Purcell was one of
the best known of them. Born at Wondalga 73 years ago,
the late Mr. Purcell was one of the eleven children of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Purcell, the surviving members now being Messrs.
Charles (Windowie), Frederick (Wondalga) and Ben.
Purcell (Brungle), Mrs. Annie Cabban (Canberra),
Miss Mildred Purcell (Windowie), Mrs. Cecelia Welsh
(Mill- brook) and Mrs. Rhoda Humphreys (Sydney), Mr. John
Purcell (Wondalga), Mrs. J. Alldis and Mrs. Frances
Prowse ('Truro,' Adelong) predeceased their brother, the last named within
recent months. Mr. W. G. Purcell, in his early days,
engaged in various occupations to see a fair bit of the country before
returning to his native Wondalga to continue the pastoral pur- suits
of his forebears. He married Miss Ada Rogers, of Wondalga, by whom he is survived as
well as their three children, Elsie (Mrs. Robert Hale, Wagga),
Daphne (Mrs. W. J. Breward) and William Percival
(Percy), both of Wondalga. For a number of years Mr. Purcell
has been in bad health and was in both the Tumut and Adelong
hospitals at various times for treatment. He found himself unable to continue an active
life and thus of recent years the property has been worked as a partnership
by the father and son. In the early hours of Wednesday morning
he had an attack and passed away suddenly about 5 a.m. The funeral left the little church at
Wondalga after a short service on Thursday for the Church of England
portion of the Adelong cemetery. Rev. Dr. Alexander officiated at the
church and the graveside, where a large and representative gathering
assembled to pay their last respects. Messrs. Boston Bros, had charge
of the funeral arrangements and the pall-bearers were Messrs. Percy Purcell
(son), W. Breward and R. Hale (sons-in-law), Roger
and Barry Hale (grandsons) and Ben. Purcell (nephew). Beautiful flowers were noted from
Daphne and Bill; loving wife and son Percy; Ollie, Eileen and family;
Hilda, Edna, Thelma and Enid; Elsie and Bob; Cook family; Rodney
and Phillopa; Bob and Win. Prowse; Benson family;
Fred and Lottie; All at Mill- brook; Barry and Carmel; Roger and
Sheila; Narel, Marie, Berry and Russell; Alex,
Myra, Clarrie and Swanton; Mr. and Mrs. G. P.
Roche and family; Grace, Jean, Maude, Clarice and Gladys, nieces and Charles
of ''Truro'; George and Dorrie Butler; L. M. Reily, Amy and Ivy; Lily, Bill and Betty; Mrs. Oakman, Greta, Ollie and Edna; Mrs. Butler, Harrie, Jim and Madge; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hargreaves
and Fred; Bill, Queenie and family; Floss and Garn; Hale, Fred and
Lily. |